
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

'Tis the Season of Rifles and Shotguns

Photo Courtesy of
The hunting season is in full swing in the land of America. Many hunters are eager to try out their newly purchased firearms. And others are wondering what type of gun they should invest their money into.

What makes a gun a good gun? How do I know what gun is right for me?

These are valid questions when considering what type of gun to purchase because there are as many types of guns as there is days in a year.

Common Gun Sizes
The three most common sizes of deer-hunting rifles are:

  •  .273
  • .30-06
  • .30-30

These number refer to the caliber size of the bullet. Normally the larger the caliber size the more "kick" a gun will have. Also each gun may have a different type of reloading action. Bolt-action, lever-action, and pump-action are the main types.

Personal Experience
When it comes to hunting, I use a Remington pump-action .30-06 rifle. This gun has never failed me. It has a simple action, and is very easy to use and operate. Each type of gun has their advantages and disadvantages. Always be sure to ask questions and look at the different types of guns in the store. Remember, buying a gun is an investment, so be sure to invest your money in a gun that you absolutely adore.

More Information
For those of you who want to learn more, here is a Field and Stream story that picks and gives an overview of the 30 best rifles and shotguns.
The Gun Nut Battery: 30 Essential Rifles and Shotguns

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Simple Ways to Start a Fire

You're in the wilderness and you want to start a fire, but you forgot the matches! Now whether this happens to you on a family camping trip in the middle of Yogi Bear state park, or you just want to impress your friends, knowing different ways to start a fire can save you from many problems.
Here are two creative ways to ignite your own personal inferno.

Photo by: Steve Sanford
(Field & Stream Magazine)
Hand/Spindle Method - This is one of the most common ways to start a fire without matches. The only downside to this method is that it takes a good deal of patience.
The materials you'll need are:
  • 2 foot long spindle
  • Flat board with V-notch
  • Tinder (anything easily flammable)
First position your V-notched board close to tinder in order to catch spark. Then take the spindle, insert into the notch, and maintain pressure while rolling your hands down the spindle in short bursts of speed. With some luck you'll be able to build up enough friction to make a spark! Remember, patience is the key!

Battery/Steel Wool Method - This is one of the easiest methods to start a fire! All you need are a couple everyday items.
The materials you'll need are:
  • Steel wool
  • Battery (9 volt performs best)
First flatten the steel wool into a thin layer. Then apply the contact points of the battery to the steel wool. The steel wool should ignite within seconds! Just be sure to transfer the steel wool immediately to your tinder!

These are but a few methods to start a fire without matches. For more ideas and tips check out Field & Stream.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fishing Gear 101

Today's post features a Jing presentation that looks at different rod and reel types.  Hopefully it will give you an understanding of which rod and reel would fit your fishing needs!

Fishing Gear - Rod & Reel Combos